Crossroads of Fate


"Sa Lalaking Naligsan Sa May Interseksiyon"

Manuel M. Avenido Jr.



If achievements were easily earned, would they hold the same value, or do their true worth come from the struggle and persistence required to attain them? Manuel M. Avenido Jr.'s Bisaya short story, "Sa Lalaking Naligsan Sa May Interseksiyon," presents a gritty and vivid portrayal of city life through the eyes of a university professor. Set in a bustling, hectic cityscape, the story delves deeply into the professor's personal battles, from the unending traffic congestion to the intense pressures of his academic responsibilities. The narrative is ignited by a striking event: a man being struck by a 10F jeepney at an intersection. This dramatic accident serves as a powerful symbol of the unpredictability and harsh challenges that define urban existence. As the story unfolds, Avenido uses this incident to explore themes of survival, ambition, and the complex, often chaotic intersections of human lives in a rapidly moving world. Through this vivid storytelling, he reflects on the struggles and resilience required to navigate such a demanding environment. In "Sa Lalaking Naligsan sa May Interseksiyon," the story starts with a close look at Manuel Avenido Jr.’s personal struggles and daily challenges, like traffic jams and work stress. This partial view focuses on his life and problems. As the story unfolds, it widens to show how the accident he witnesses at the intersection symbolizes bigger ideas about life’s unpredictability and our connections with others. The accident becomes a symbol of how our lives are intertwined and how random events can change everything. The story moves from Avenido’s individual troubles to a broader reflection on life’s randomness and the way our lives intersect. As philosopher Søren Kierkegaard said, "Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards." This quote captures the story’s message about finding meaning in our experiences and how we understand them over time.



Sa Lalaking Naligsan sa May Interseksiyon" is a contemporary Bisaya short story written by Manuel M. Avenido Jr. The narrative revolves around a man who, while waiting at the intersection got into a tragic accident he was hit by a 10F jeep. It is a complex exploration of some of the themes of fate, chance, and the randomness of life, but based on the viewpoint of that seemingly ordinary event. It is also an eye-opener to everyone how random events can dramatically change the course of one's life and how they can end your life in just an instant. More importantly, the story helps the protagonist as well as the reader see the realizations of life, death, and the connectedness of human experiences, specifically in the aftermath of such an accident in the protagonist's life. The story focuses on the fact that a row of momentary decisions and situations can have big repercussions in our lives and really highlights the unpredictable nature of the human race. This story shows the fragility of our lives and those defining moments in existence. It makes the reader reflect on his life and the randomness of destiny, reflecting how supposedly important moments can be temporary, and mold our lives, experiences, and perceptions. In Manuel M. Avenido Jr.'s Cebuano short story "Sa Lalaking Naligsan Sa May Interseksiyon," the author provides a detailed look at the tough realities of urban life through the eyes of Manuel Avenido Jr., a university professor who has been teaching for nearly three years. The story kicks off with a dramatic event: a man is hit by a 10F jeepney at a busy intersection, which serves as a symbol of the chaos and unpredictability of city living. As the plot develops, it highlights Professor Avenido's personal struggles, including his frequent migraines and the heavy demands of his job. Despite being in a stable relationship with Alma for five years, with plans to marry her, Avenido finds himself involved in an affair with Mrs. Mary Jane Villafuerte. This complicated situation adds emotional depth to his challenges and highlights the conflicts he faces between his personal desires and his responsibilities. In the end, "Sa Lalaking Naligsan Sa May Interseksiyon" forces us to face the tough realities of city life and personal struggles. Through Manuel Avenido Jr.'s experiences, we see the chaos of urban living and the emotional weight of juggling personal desires with work demands. As Avenido deals with his migraines, a troubled affair, and the disconnect from the rapidly changing world, we are reminded of the challenges we all face. The story also highlights how today's youth, overwhelmed by technology and social media, are becoming more impatient and less able to handle real-life problems. This story prompts us to reflect on our own lives and relationships, encouraging us to navigate our paths with greater awareness and empathy. In a world full of unpredictability and conflict, it is our perseverance and the strength of our connections that truly shape our journey. As Avenido himself reflects, “Amid the noise and chaos, it is our inner strength that guides us through the storm.”


Biographical context

Manuel M. Avenido Jr.'s personal experiences profoundly influence his work, both directly and indirectly. Directly, his role as a university professor is reflected in the protagonist’s struggles with academic pressures and frequent migraines. These elements mirror Avenido’s own experiences and challenges in his academic career. Indirectly, Avenido’s broader experiences with urban life and societal issues shape the story’s themes. His past involvement as the former adviser for The Josenian Premier and his participation in prestigious competitions, such as the 67th Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature in the Cebuano Short Story Category, enrich his storytelling. Additionally, his passion for travel broadens his perspective on life and human experiences, which he weaves into the narrative’s depiction of city chaos and interconnected lives. His observations from both his professional and personal life, combined with his diverse experiences, contribute to the depth and authenticity of his story.


Linguistic context

"Sa Lalaking Naligsan Sa May Interseksiyon" by Manuel M. Avenido, Jr. is a captivating story set in Cebu, Philippines, that explores the complexities of life in a bustling city. The story, written in Bisaya, a regional dialect of Cebuano, uses vivid imagery and a blend of everyday and formal language to portray the main character's struggles with his career, relationships, and the unexpected events that disrupt his life. The story also incorporates English words and phrases, reflecting the multilingual nature of the Philippines. Through the character's internal struggles, the story delves into themes of striving for success, navigating personal relationships, and searching for meaning in a challenging world. The author's use of literary devices, such as symbolism, repetition, and foreshadowing, creates a compelling narrative that resonates with the reader on both an emotional and intellectual level. The line in the story “Kamubo ra gyud diay sa kinabuhi!” is the striking line in the story because this event profoundly affects the protagonist, Manuel Avenido Jr., making him—and the readers—aware of the fragile and unpredictable nature of our existence. The story uses this tragic incident to remind us that life can change in an instant, urging us to value each moment and live with a sense of urgency and appreciation. The story's use of symbols and other literary tools makes it engaging and thought-provoking.


Sociocultural context

"Sa Lalaking Naligsan Sa May Interseksiyon" is deeply rooted in Filipino society, exploring themes like education, social hierarchy, family support, poverty, and cultural values. The story follows a university professor struggling with job security and financial stability, reflecting the realities of Filipino life. The text highlights the importance of education, the respect for authority figures, and the reliance on family and community for support.  The story implicitly addresses poverty and inequality, showcasing the high cost of living and the pressure to secure a stable job. The protagonist's actions reflect Filipino values such as respect for elders, family importance, and the pursuit of education. The use of Bisaya, a regional dialect, adds authenticity and emphasizes the story's connection to local culture and identity. In addition, the story highlights the importance of quality education by showing the challenges faced by Professor Avenido. His role as an educator demonstrates how education helps people deal with life's difficulties and make sense of their experiences. The story also suggests that education should be available to everyone, regardless of their background, so that everyone has a chance to improve their lives and make a positive impact on society. It supports Quality Education (SDG 4) by showing how important education is through the main character’s experiences and touches on Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10) by highlighting social and economic differences. "Sa Lalaking Naligsan Sa May Interseksiyon" provides a vivid look into Filipino life, emphasizing the importance of education, family, and cultural values. The story's use of the Bisaya dialect and focus on local traditions help readers understand and appreciate Filipino culture and its rich diversity. It highlights the need for quality education for all, regardless of background, to create a more inclusive society. As the Filipino saying goes, "Ang pagkakaiba-iba ay kayamanan ng bayan," which means "Diversity is the wealth of the nation."



"Sa Lalaking Naligsan Sa May Interseksiyon" by Manuel M. Avenido Jr. deeply explores how unpredictable life can be and how sudden events can change everything. The story begins with a tragic accident where a man is hit by a 10F jeepney at a busy intersection. This event serves as a powerful reminder of how quickly life can shift. Through the experiences of Manuel Avenido Jr., a university professor, we see the harsh realities of city life, including his struggles with migraines and the complexities of his relationships. As we follow Avenido's journey, the story makes us think about the fragility of our own lives and the important moments that shape us. It shows how our connections with others and our inner strength help us deal with life's challenges. In a world where things can change in an instant, "Sa Lalaking Naligsan Sa May Interseksiyon" encourages us to appreciate every moment and find meaning even when life is unpredictable. As Avenido mirrors, the Bible verse James 4:14 (NIV) captures the heart of the story: "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." This verse gently reminds us how fragile and unpredictable life can be. It encourages us to appreciate every moment we have and to live with gratitude and awareness. Life is short and uncertain, so we should embrace each day, value our loved ones, and find joy in the simple things. Though our time here may be brief, it’s the love we give and the connections we make that truly matter. As we face life's challenges, let’s remember to hold on to the precious moments and cherish the time we have, knowing that each day is a gift.



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